Dr. Gary's Viewpoint

October 2010

50% off tuition for month of September

call or email us to get the details and enroll in this 50/50 program

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68th Anniversary Celebration In 2025!

Tempus Fugit! It seems like yesterday that we were preparing for our 60th Anniversary Celebration. 2025 will bring Crusade For Calvary to it's 68th Anniversary, and we are still serving our Lord with grateful hearts and the desire for those who are lost to hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We thank God... Our Father, His Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit for the JOY and honor of being His child, made possible through faith in Jesus Christ and His work on the Cross of...

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A thought to considered about discipleship

If someone finds the leadership of the Holy Spirit difficult, it would be good for them to take inventory of their inner chamber (heart and mind) and see how welcome has been the Holy Spirit, with His authority and His operation, in the past! How willing have we been that the Son of the Living God operate in us, individually, as a member of that whole assemblage of the Body of the Living God? How welcome have we made His authority in this inner chamber? If we are trying to contact God...

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A Time To Every Purpose Under The Heaven

Dear Partners, This summer the onslaught of the evil one (Satan) is so apparent and calls all of us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and that those who are motivated by fear, doubt, anger and oppression will come to find the Prince of Peace. We must stand strong in our faith and the doctrine that has been given to us clearly in the Word of God. In the area of your service, I pray for you and that you be strengthened for the work of our Lord Jesus Christ and not be apathetic. As the...

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An Evening Prayer

Lord, receive our supplication for this house, family, and country.  Protect the innocent, restrain the greedy and the treacherous,lead us out of our tribulation into a quiet land. Look down upon us and our absent dear ones.  Help us and them, prolong our days in peace and honor.  Give us health, food, bright weather, and light hearts.  In what we meditate of evil, frustrate our will; in what of good, further our endeavors.  Cause injuries to be forgotten and...

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Arise, shine, for your light has come...

I pray that you are keeping your eyes on the Lord as we God’s people, navigate these darkening times. The enemy wants to divide us as the assaults on the world around us increase, but our hope is in God and we must continue to walk together in faith and let our light shine before men. “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory...

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Books that I recommend...

Before I list these books....which I will add to every week let me explain that I have not included some books that are very well known or that you already may have. These are only meant to bring balance and add what I refer to as strength to the truth that is often in tension and therefore keeps up strong and well-footed. PLEASE READ ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST AND SEE MY NOTES THERE..... Balm of...

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Guide For New Believers

CONGRATULATIONS AND WELCOME TO GOD'S FAMILY! The body of believers at Crusade For Calvary are here to love, support and encourage you in your new life in Christ Jesus! It is our hope that this "Guide For New Believers" will answer some questions you may have and help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.   ~  Where should I begin my Bible reading?  ~   Read a whole book at a time. Here's a good plan to follow... I...

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Is this the end or the beginning....of redemption

"In long consideration and study of God's Word, it is clear that God is not only going to do exactly what He says, but He is going to do exactly as He says. God has tied Himself irrevocably to human co-operation in the work of redemption. He has made man's faith a determining factor in the execution of divine purposes. " We....as workers together with Him (Greek fellow-workmen) beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain." 2 Corinthians 6:1. He who has...

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Jesus' prayer of Tolerance from the Cross

Tolerance apart from Christ will bear little fruit, for its root growth is generated through human endeavor and is of little lasting. The nature imparted and operated by the Spirit of the Living God, who has been made alive, subsequent to the death of self..LIVES ON. At Calvary the sinister clouds of impending doom were present over Golgotha's hill. The purpose for which the Christ had come to earth was soon to be witnessed by the awe-stricken crown who stood around. Man has been visited...

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Moving Through the Enemy's Blockades

When the Lord called Jeremiah, He showed him that He had set him over kingdoms and nations, and his ministry would go through phases. He would root out, pull down, destroy and throw down. Many of you have been tearing down and rooting out long enough. Just as the Lord told Jeremiah that he would build and plant, now is the time for us to do the same! Building for the future and planting to bring forth increase sometimes can be more difficult than tearing down and rooting out. At...

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Non Conventional Thinking!!

We who love God must not be impatient. I know we can see around us and on every side the apparent need for God to show His power and the outpouring of authority. It is however, useless to move unless we move in His will. Moving in our own enthusiasm and not in the center of His divine purpose can leave us impotent if we go out, unless we are sent. Let's not become helpless by finding ourselves using weapons of our own making and forging of our own manufacture when the battle between good...

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Perfect Balance

Perfect Balance...... "Mercy is the balance between truth toward man and humility with God" There are 3 things which the Lord requires of you; to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God (Micah 6:8). We are to love by living truthfully and mercifully toward others. Living truthfully (justly) is solely dependent upon the depth of our character. If we value self, our self-interests, our self-comforts, our self-image, then our level of truthfulness will be quite...

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Real Riches...something to consider

What are riches anyway? I assume that you would answer that they were possession. When a person has a lot of the medium of exchange we call money we call him a rich person. How foolish! The probability is that they are not nearly as rich as some other folks who have very little of this world's money in the bank. Money is merely a medium of exchange. It is a physical symbol of value by which we trade what we have for something we want. There are many things that money cannot...

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Resolving Conflict

Sources of conflict, the pattern of offenses and practical steps to resolve   Five easy-to-understand sources of conflict       Incomplete Obedience (Cain and Abel)       Conflicting Promises (Isaac and Ishmael)       Competing Personalities (Paul and Barnabus... relative to John-Mark)       Colliding Visions (Joseph and his brothers... Peter and...

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Solutions....when times are difficult

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The Court Ordered Bus Ride for Pastors....

Look for this story beginning Monday March 8th.....You won't believe what happened

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The Court Ordered Bus Ride for Pastors....

Look for this story beginning Monday March 8th.....You won't believe what happened

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Thunder over the Middle East

Interested in knowing more about how events in Egypt, Ethiopia, Africa and Middle East will unfold....email me and I will email you my new CD, a prophetic view, "Thunder Over the Middle East"  email: gary@garymusgrove.net or drgmusgrove@hotmail.com.  

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Two Fires Within (excerpt from my book)

“There are two fires kindled in the earth. One fire consumes and the other which glorifies; a consuming fire and a non-consuming fire. As we walk in the Spirit the consuming fire is quietly doing its work, taking from us the dross and making us one with the Spirit of the Living God; so bringing peace. As we walk with God, the fire which takes away our dross is burning. In contrast, the Adamic forces operating within mankind are also burning fires. We burn with the fires of hatred,...

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What I should tell you that you may not know

One basic problem as human beings is that we do not realize how valuable we are to God. “Grace is undeserved blessing, but let me explain it from another vantage point. It is God’s response to our trust and obedience. Grace is tangible, powerful and amazing. It is the blessing that we did not have before we trusted and obeyed. It is joy after sorrow, the peace after fear, the strength after weakness, the prosperity after poverty, and the hope after despair. When we stand before...

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When disturbed about injustice look to Habakkuk

Habakkuk.....In this new cd, I share the Heavenly Vision, actually...a double vision. It speaks to us about why troubles come....why is there such seeming injustice in the world....the answer of the Lord about our questions....an unsatisfied believer at God's response....God's discourse about "appointed times"....and the dialogue with God that can lead to peace and transformed vision for us. A small but powerful Book in The Bible that comes to life in this teaching. To order...

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