Anne's Blog

June 2016

I'd Rather Have Jesus....2 Remarkable Stories

I’d Rather Have Jesus LYRICS BY RHEA MILLER MUSIC GEORGE BEVERLY SHEA This hymn has at least 2 known stories about it. The first is regarding a poem left on a young man’s piano by his mother in 1932.   He was struggling with his own ambitions and desires for life. As he read the words of the poem, he was deeply moved and put the words to music. It is a hymn that changed his life. His ambitions were given to Jesus, his life direction changed, and his gifts and talents were...

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"After", portraying the life of Norma Musgrove

Dear anointed, sweet Norma Musgrove would share hymns with stories of their origins, in tent meetings and church services as she played the organ and helped lead those attending into the presence of the Lord. Holding tent meetings alongside her husband & children throughout the United States was not a life of ease by any means. Norma graciously saw to the moving and guiding of a large crew of people along with huge tents, tent poles, musical instruments, and provisions... while also...

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